Reviews, Top Tens, and more! Posts every Monday and Friday at 8:00 AM PST. Follow me on my social medias for updates and other random nonsense.

Friday, February 19, 2016

A message from LofZOdyssey

Dear reader,

On February 21, 2015 I posted Seitokai Yakuindomo, my first anime review. One hundred reviews later, a year has now passed. I’m proud to say that I’ve managed to publish two reviews a week, every Monday and Friday, without fail and plan to keep doing so for as long as I possibly can; or until there’s nothing left to review, whichever comes first. However here at my one year anniversary, I must break this consistency to say something that is long overdue.

Thank you.

Weather you’ve been here since the beginning or if this is your first visit, I sincerely and whole heartedly thank you.

This blog has always been and will always be a hobby for me, yet for a while now LofZOdyssey has been becoming something a lot more.

I don’t delude myself. This is nowhere near a massive site and the likelihood that it ever will be is slim to none. Still I would be lying if I said I never imagine what it would be like if it were to get to that point, but that’s never been the drive. I simply like anime. I like watching it, I like talking about it, I like writing about it.

Are my views and opinions the unquestionable truths of the medium, I certainly hope not. I’ve never tried animation, hell I’m not even what you would call a competent artist. I have absolutely zero idea what it takes to make a series or what any of the intricate goings on behind the scenes truly are. All I have is what I think works, plus the occasionally ability to craft a decently written sentence; Christ I sometimes can’t even manage to do that.

There has never been a review I have published that has been free from grammatical or spelling errors. There have been many times where days and even weeks have gone by before I catch a glaring mistake. For that I apologize.

That being said, I am always double checking my posts and scrutinizing anything I publish. However I only fix the syntax, never the meaning. I stand by every word, every opinion, everything I have said. When something is wrong in a show, I make sure to highlight it. Alternatively, when something is well done I make it a point to praise it. Experiences has shown that a series’ negatives are more fun to write about, but a series’ positives should be the focus; especially for the good ones.

This then leads to the question, what makes a good anime?

Unfortunately, my answer to that question isn’t that concrete. Certain elements of certain shows I have slammed and fumed over, while in other shows with similar elements I have let slide or even praised. To me it always comes down to execution. How does one series use topics or ideas, which might be the same as other series, in its own way?

This is not an exact science, and there really isn’t much consistency. Then again, there can’t be. Some series are just going to do some things better. This is the main reason why I don’t use a numbered rating system. I cannot confidently justify how one show’s arbitrary number is greater, less, or equal to another show’s arbitrary number.

I have said this in several reviews, but it holds true. The only person who can tell you if an anime is good is you. I am nothing more than a guide with his own preferences that may or may not line up with yours. This is why I can only give recommendations based on a show’s merits as I see them and that’s what I plan to keep doing.

So then where do we go from here?

The main purpose of this blog will always be to showcase any and all kinds of anime; slice of life, action, romance, horror, you name. There’s not an anime I’m unwilling to watch. But’s that’s not all there is, is it?

I want to expand my scope. More top ten’s, anime movie reviews, and perhaps animated shows from countries other than Japan. I can’t promise that they’ll be here right away, but some are certainly in the works (July 2016). I have many things I want to do with this site and I hope you’ll enjoy them.

There’s a lot of work ahead of me and I cannot wait to get started, but this isn’t a journey I really want to do alone. If I can be a little pretentious for a moment, what is it that you, the reader, can do to make this site better? The answer is and will always be the same; you never have to do anything.

If all you do is come back every now and again to see what’s up, you’ve done more than enough. Still if you’re compelled to, follow this blog or any of my social medias (links can be found at the bottom), share a post with a friend, or leave a positive or negative comment. If you do even one these, you’ll have gone above and beyond anything I could ever ask for.

As for me, I’ll always be here trying to provide bigger and better content for you.

And that’s where I’ll leave it today. Once again, thank you for all your support over this past year and here’s to hopefully many more.



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