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Monday, August 3, 2015

Anime Hajime Review: Kill la Kill

***Warning, the following may contain spoilers for Kill la Kill. Reader discretion is advised.***

Series Synopsis

Honnouji Academy seeks to conquer all other schools across Japan.

To do so, students have been issued the Goku Uniform. All of which have been sewn with Life Fibers. Gives the wearer superhuman abilities.

This powerful institution of academia is under the rule of the fearsome Student Council. Led by the mighty Student Council President, Satsuki Kiryuin (voiced by Ryoka Yuzuki).

No one dares step out of line or challenge the iron will of the President. Except for one. A single transfer student, Ryuko Matoi (voiced by Ami Koshimizu).

On a quest to find her father’s killer, Ryuko wields one-half of the mysterious Rending Scissors. A weapon which cut Life Fibers. Upon arrival, Ryuko challenges Satsuki and is quickly beaten by the power of the Goku Uniform.

Humiliated in defeat, Ryuko retreats to her old home. There she happens upon her father’s greatest creation. A black sailor uniform.

To her great shock and bewilderment, the uniform speaks (voiced by Toshihiko Sei). It promises to bestow the power to not only rival but even surpass the Goku Uniform. Ryuko gives the outfit the name Senketsu.

Determined to avenge her father, Ryuko declares war on Honnouji Academy. And all who stand in her way.

Series Positives

When you decide to take the magic girl genre and turn it dark and gritty, you get Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. What happens when you take the magic girl genre and decide to make it one hundred percent bad ass?

Well, then you get Kill la Kill.

This show sold me within the first five minutes. After that, it did nothing except get bigger, better, and more awesome.

Art Style and Animation

Kill la Kill looks and feels as though it was taken straight out of the nineties and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This show had such a loud, fast-paced, completely in-f@#$ing-sane atmosphere that no other style could do it justice.

There’s not a whole hell of a lot of things for me to say.

The fights were over the top. They were vivid and ridiculous. Making them entertaining to an absurd degree.

The world was imaginative, colorful, and unique. Completely setting it apart. Everything looked amazing. Nothing about this show was underwhelming. There was nothing half-assed.

I could watch this on mute and still have a fantastic time.

The Soundtrack

Of course, while I may say I could watch Kill la Kill in silence, there's no way in a million years I ever would.

The first few episodes were entities onto themselves. So, I actually didn’t realize this until Ryuko’s fight against Satsuki’s Elite Four. The soundtrack kicked all kinds of ass.

The fights were beautiful and were an absolute treat to the eyes. Then when that music dropped everything was cranked up to eleven. Even in the “slower” moments of the show, nothing felt dumbed down or lacked in intensity.

Also, I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t listening to the soundtrack while I wrote this review.

The Characters

Yes, the show looked amazing. Yes, the show sounded amazing. Yet, the thing that impressed me the most were the characters.

Ryuko and Senketsu made for an amazing team that grew into a genuine friendship.

Satsuki was the perfect foil to Ryuko. She possessed a tremendous amount of ambition. This created an aura around her which was both terrifying and admirable.

Ryuko’s best friend, Mako Mankanshoku (voiced by Aya Suzaki), was an energetic, impulsive air head. But she was the kind of energetic impulsive air head that you want standing beside you.

The Elite Four were more than expendable underlings. Ira Gamagoori (voiced by Tetsu Inada). Uzu Sanageyama (voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama). Nonon Jakuzure (voiced by Mayumi Shintani). Houka Inumuta (voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino). They were all essential pieces in Satsuki’s plan. And each posed as an intimidating threat to Ryuko.

With such a wide variety of distinct personalities, Kill la Kill could balance comedy, action, and drama.

When everything seemed to be going wrong it felt dire and intense. Yet at the same time, everyone was able to say or do something hilarious. And not break that tension.

Each struggle meant something. The show's climax was an amazing payoff because it didn't rest only on Ryuko’s shoulders. It was a complete group effort. Everyone had a role to play.

I’m not good with names. In a month from now, I may forget the names of some of these characters. That said, I will not forget who they were due of the sheer size of their personas.

Series Negatives

Shows the same length as Kill la Kill, can often be split into halves. Durarara and Attack on Titan are two that come to mind. What those shows have in common is that the first halves of their respective series are amazing. Unfortunately, the second halves are less epic. That’s not to say the second halves are bad. They’re overshadowed.

Kill la Kill sort of fell victim to the same phenomenon, but did a much better job at mitigating it. Both halves of this series were great in their own way. With the first half having a slight edge. And there was only one reason for that.

Too Much Talking

The dialogue wasn't the problem. In fact, it was actually good. It wasn't Monogatari levels of quality. But there were times where it felt like Monogatari levels of quantity.

There was a lot of talking in the second half of Kill la Kill. None of it was irrelevant, but it wasn't needed either. Some of it did start sounding repetitive near the end. Even though I’ve seen it done much worse.

It was interruptive. Bits of commentary and exposition happened during fight sequences. It’s amazing to think that action is a lot more fun than words in an action series.

Dialogue can help develop a character. It can help set the mood. It can help give clarification. If done right and Kill la Kill does do it right. But God damn it, if I hear about what Life Fibers are one more time, I’m going to lose my f@#$ing mind.

Luckily, when this show did decide to stop talking and throw down, it threw down.

Final Thoughts

If you're not hooked after episode one, this isn't the type of show for you.

Incredible animation. Fantastic music. Some of the most memorable characters in anime. This is one of my favorites. Period.

I am not an anime figurine collector. It's not something I don’t do. But Kill la Kill, along with maybe Dragonball and Attack on Titan, makes me tempted to make an exception.

Update: I did.

Sure it may get a little wordy towards the end, but son-of-bitch, this is a fun show. From beginning to end, Kill la Kill is fun.

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