The Setup
Happy Halloween everyone.
Corpse Party – Tortured Souls is a series I have seen multiple times. I even reviewed the four episode OVA during 2018’s Pre-Blog Month (March 2018). For the longest time, something kept drawing me back to this story. Each time I made a return, I always came away with three opinions:
1. It was violent.
2. It was gory.
3. It sucked.
I do not like Corpse Party – Tortured Souls. It is a pitiful attempt at horror that tries to replace scares with blood. More than that, it was an unfortunate waste of an interesting premise, solid animation, and a talented voice cast. Having now done my official review of the series, I doubt I will ever find the urge to go back to the anime ever again.
Be that as it may, and perhaps against my better judgment, I’m still not quite ready to give up on Corpse Party yet. Deep down, part of me wants to believe there is a reason behind this franchise’s cult status beyond its sheer brutality. Nevertheless, I can’t find what I am looking for in the anime adaptation. I must look elsewhere.