Series Synopsis
Welcome back to the family-owned Shikada Candy Shop were Kokonotsu Shikada (voiced by Atsushi Abe) is still under a lot of pressure to take over as the next manager. And trying her best to see that day become a reality is the walking sweets encyclopedia Hotaru Shidare (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu).
As it was last time, Kokonotsu shrugs off Hotaru’s many attempts at getting him to choose the family business. While the things have become quite energetic, Kokonotsu has grown to like the change in pace. Ever since Hotaru came into his life, the quiet days at the small candy shop have turned a lot more exciting.
But like everything else, nothing can last forever.
Unlike before, Kokonotsu must really think about what it is he wants to do in the future. Despite his adamant refusal to take over the store, he does love candy, and he has a natural talent for creating a welcoming environment for customers.
Try as he might to push himself away, Kokonotsu keeps returning to the tiny shop.