Series Synopsis
While riding the train to school every day, Makoto Ito (voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa) can’t take his eyes off a beautiful girl. Unsure of how to approach, Makoto resigns himself to looking at her from afar.
One day, Makoto’s close friend, Sekai Saionji (voiced by Shiho Kawaragi) learns of Makoto’s crush. After some light teasing, Sekai does something unexpected. She befriends the girl whose name is Kotonoha Katsura (voiced by Tae Okajima). Now with a reason to talk, Makoto and Kotonoha grow close and begin dating.
However, Makoto isn’t sure how to be a boyfriend. No matter what he tries, Kotonoha won’t respond the way he expects. Looking for advice, Makoto keeps turning to Sekai. He does this enough and starts to think Kotonoha is on the duller side of things. While still in a relationship with Kotonoha, Makoto begins sleeping with Sekai.
With an array of conflicting emotions, Makoto is unaware of the harm he is causing. That or he doesn’t care. Little by little, his indifferent actions and sex drive creates a huge mess.
A story that started as a fairy tale romance becomes something a lot crueler.