Series Synopsis
After enrolling at Sakuragoaka Girl’s High School, first years Ritsu Tainaka (voiced by Satomi Sato), Mio Akiyama (voiced by Yoko Hikasa), and Tsumugi “Mugi” Kotobuki (voiced by Minako Kotobuki) have revived the Light Music Club. However for the program to continue it must consist of at least four active members.
After all attempts at recruitment failed, the group fears that they might have to abandon their short lived endeavor. Then at the last moment, fellow first year Yui Hirasawa (voiced by Aki Toyosaki) finds her way to the trio’s meeting room. Yui is convinced to join, thus saving the Light Music Club and the formation of the band After School Tea Time. In their second year, the gang gains a fifth member, Azusa Nakano (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu).
Yui is After School Tea Time’s lead guitarist and main vocalist. Despite being quite capable with the guitar, prior to joining she had no previous experience with the instrument and is unable to read sheet music. Although very kind and cheerful, Yui can be easily distracted and extremely forgetful; normally only able to retain one subject at a time. That being said, when focused on a particular goal, she can excel in nearly anything. While not having a musical background, Yui is shown to have perfect pitch and an outstanding singing voice.